3 Health Benefits of Coconut Cinnamon Pancakes - 10feast

 Coconut Cinnamon Pancakes Health Benefits

Cinnamon Pancakes with fork served in a plate
Pancakes are the staple breakfast food for most of us, who resort to them for almost every occasion. They are one of the easiest, and even tastiest food out there, that consume next to no time, and yet manage to serve our purpose in the most efficient manner. However, did you also know that pancakes are also incredibly healthy food because of the various ingredients involved in their making? In case you did not know that keep reading to find out the various health benefits that pancakes offer an individual.

Pancakes are also a very versatile food item, that can be both vegetarian and not. Even those who do not consume eggs are able to make pancakes by omitting eggs. Even without eggs, pancakes manage to taste just as incredible. And of course, with or without eggs in pancakes, pancakes taste all the better with butter and maple syrup.

Did you also know that pancakes can be made in various flavors, with just a few changes here and there? Of those various flavors, Coconut Cinnamon pancakes are the most famous, and the healthiest as well. In addition to the regular ingredients used to make pancakes, all that we need is coconut milk and coconut flour, and we have our incredibly tasty pancakes.

Before we get into health benefits, here is a simple fact: whenever you have no time, or have run out of other options, pancakes make for the perfect item to be made in the least time, and also manage to be healthy and tasty at the same time.

Health Benefits:

1) Immunity Booster

The kind of world that we are living in today, requires a lot of immunity within our bodies. Better than depending upon a vaccine after encountering any sort of virus is making sure that we do not come in contact with any sort of virus in the first place. Like always, prevention is better than cure. The kind of fiber that pancakes with oats contain provides an immense boost to our immunity system, which is undoubtedly the need of the hour.

2) Prevents Heart Diseases

There are a lot of factors which cause any sort of heart disease, and there is no way of knowing what the cause may be. Sometimes, a lot of stress can lead to heart diseases, and sometimes, hereditary could be the cause of it. Like stated earlier, prevention is always better than cure, which is what the fiber from oats does here as well. The fiber that oats contain – beta-glucan – are known for preventing heart disease, and in case you already have it, this fiber is known to keep the heart healthy and functioning.

3) Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer

A lot of women are suffering from breast cancer these days, due to a lot of factors. Breast cancer has become one of the most common forms of cancer in the present day, and this is one type of cancer that is passed on from one generation to the other – in women. However, this is not to say that those who do not have it in their genes will not get it. That is exactly why it is important to be careful about the choices we make when it comes to our diet. Beta-glucan is also famous for reducing the risk of breast cancer.