Your Guide To A Healthy Appetite: Health Benefits of Atlantic Salmon - 10feast


6 Health Benefits of Eating Atlantic Salmon

Health Benefits of Eating Atlantic Salmon

All of us crave a healthy lifestyle, and most often, we strive towards making sure that our eating habits are first set right, by trying to eat as healthy as we can. 

With 10 Feast, we always strive towards giving you the best and healthiest meals we can. As we emphasize time and again, we at 10 Feast have Chef-curated, nutritionally enriched meals for you, at affordable prices, and a variety of meal plans you can choose from.

Here we are now, with the various health benefits that one of our signature dishes – Atlantic Salmon – possesses, and how it makes a difference to your life. Read on to know these various health benefits for yourself!

1) Lowers Blood Pressure

We all live in a society where everyone is in a race against each other, to complete their work on time, to meet their deadlines before it is too late, to even eat before they think they have wasted too much time on eating. As a result, we do not invest much time in even acknowledging how healthy we are, or what we are putting into our body while eating. Just eating is not the solution, though, is it? Only if what we put into our body has some value, will it be able to sustain for a long span? When we do not eat properly, and when we keep on racing against time, we tend to build a lot of tension, which could result in blood pressure. Atlantic Salmon, with its selenium content, helps lower blood pressure, protecting us from all the pressure we put ourselves through.

2) Healthy Fat – Omega-3 Fatty Acids

There is no introduction necessary to exactly how important Omega-3 fatty acids are, to our body. Much has been written about them, and much more will be written too. What is important to be noted though, is, Omega-3 acids are not naturally produced in our bodies, which is why it is more necessary for us to make sure that we consciously make an effort to put this healthy fat into our body. Improvisation of eyesight, potential prevention of cancer, prevention/reduction of asthma, reduction of fat in your liver, and improving your sleep are just some of the many, many benefits of Omega-3 acids.

3) Helps with weight-loss

Weight loss is the goal of innumerable people, but it is also important to note that a healthy weight loss is essential. The many proteins and fats in Salmon, especially Omega-3, are known to promote a healthy weight-loss, by boosting your metabolism, and by making you feel full for a long time, in the healthiest way possible.

4) Promotes Healthy Skin

Who does not want healthy skin? All the pollution, the hard work, and the lack of time in our lives are not making it easy for us to pay proper attention to the health of our skin. We must pay proper attention to our skin’s health, along with the rest of our health. Once again, the fatty acids, along with Omega-3, present in Salmon, help our skin retain water, making it stay hydrated naturally, thereby helping it stay smooth, youthful, and supple.

5) Reduced risk of heart disease

What you may not be aware of is the fact that all of us have Omega-6 fatty acids in our body, which when go unbalanced, may result in heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids are said to balance out this Omega-6 fatty acid, which thereby helps to greatly reduce the risk of heart disease. It has been scientifically proven that consuming 2 salmons per week could have a great positive effect on your health.

6) Promotes good mental health

2020 has been an eye-opener for the entire world, with everyone understanding the high importance of a proper mental health regime in their life. A good balance of mental health is highly necessary for the kind of lifestyle we are leading in this generation. The oil content in fish has been proven to greatly reduce depression, anxiety, and other mental health troubles, and has also been proven to improve the positive effect on one’s mental health.