Your Guide To A Healthy Appetite: Health Benefits of Jambalaya - 10feast


5 Health Benefits of Eating Jambalaya

Eating healthy is a life-long goal that we all must posses and we all strive to achieve for as long as we live. However, succeeding in this is a totally different story altogether. We should not only eat healthy from a personal perspective, but also from a wider perspective, that involves promoting a healthy lifestyle all around us, making sure that everyone around is as healthy as we intend to be.

Many people often get lost in the wrong kind of perception that eating healthy doesn’t equal to eating tasty. But this has now been proven a myth by many chefs who have managed to come up with healthy, yet incredibly tasty dishes. One such dish includes the very famous Jambalaya, which is not only famous for the wide range of ingredients it possesses, but also for its incredible taste.

Here’s a list of the health benefits that Jambalaya offers:

1. Promotes Weight loss

Jambalaya contains a good amount of Chicken in it, and Chicken, as all of us know, is the most common form of poultry in the world. A lot of people necessarily and consciously include chicken in their daily diet, not just for taste, but also for a lot more important reasons, one of which mainly includes the fact that Chicken promotes weight loss. Chicken is a lean meat, meaning that there’s not a lot of fat content in Chicken, which is why it is perfect for weight loss. If you have ever carefully observed, it is very clear that almost every non-vegetarian dish has Chicken in it.

2. Boosts Immunity

All of us are currently being dominated by the global pandemic of Coronavirus, which is still at large, and is affecting more and more people everyday. This is the time to make sure that our immunity levels are at their highest, and the time to make sure that we take more and more immunity boosting foods. Chicken is once again known to boost the immunity of our body, thereby being of the most importance to all of us right now. Also, what could be better than such a yummy tasting immunity booster?

3. Reduced risk of heart problems

Many sea based foods contain Omega-3 fatty acids, and Shrimp is one of them. Omega-3 fatty acids are not naturally present in our body, which makes it that important for us to make sure that we try to consume something that has Omega-3 fatty acids present within it. With Shrimp containing a good amount of these acids, it is all the more better for us to make sure that we incorporate this into our diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are very effective in combating heart related problems, and may even prove to be effective in preventing them in the first place. 

4. Control of diabetes

Diabetes has become an increasingly common problem for many people in the current generation. No matter what the age of an individual may be, diabetes has become one major problem due to many factors. Rice has been known to be a very helpful and useful resource when it comes to controlling diabetes, and sometimes even preventing it. With Jambalaya containing rice as one of its main ingredients, it even has you covered in this department.

5. Reduced risk of Cancer

Rice contains a lot of antioxidants within it, and these antioxidants have a great positive effect on your health on a whole. However, these antioxidants in rice are especially good in reducing the risk of cancer in an individual. Cancer is one disease for which the cure is still being researched. Such kind of a disease has only one solution: prevention. 

On the whole, Jambalaya offers the perfect health benefits for an individual, along with an incredible taste.