10 Best Foods That Support Brain Health - 10feast

10 Best Foods That Support Brain Health

10 foods that support brain health

The health of our brain is highly important, as it is at the center of all activities that we do on a daily basis. If the brain stops functioning properly, we would not be able to so much as move a finger, which is why it is highly important that we take care of our brain’s health at all costs.

There are several foods that support good brain health. A variety of foods, including fruits and vegetables help support good brain health.

Here are a few foods that support good brain health:

1) Fatty fish

Omega-3 fatty acids have a wide variety of health benefits for humans. Since these are abundantly found in fatty fish, like salmon, it is always important to include fatty fish as part of our diet. Omega-3 fatty acids help the brain retain memory better and is also known to reduce the chances of Alzheimer’s disease in an individual.

2) Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, if not the most popular of all. Two components in coffee – caffeine and antioxidants – are known to have really good effects on the brain. They increase the alertness of the brain, improve our mood, and sharpen our concentration.

3) Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most commonly used spices, in almost every South Asian dish. This spice contains curcumin, which can directly enter the brain and have a positive effect on it. Curcumin is said to improve our memory, reduce depression and help in the growth of new brain cells.

4) Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains a good amount of flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants, all of which are very good for our brain. Flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants are known to improve our memory and learning, and even help battling depression, helping us stay mentally healthy as well.

5) Nuts

Nuts are a good source for several nuts, which are very good for our overall health. Nuts have the ability to increase our brain’s memory power, and to also reduce the chances of any brain-related problems due to old age.

6) Eggs

Eggs are a highly versatile food. They have a lot of proteins and nutrients in them. Eggs have something known as choline, which is an important micronutrient, that helps regulate our mood and memory. Mental decline is also reduced by the intake of eggs.

7) Green Tea

Green tea is most commonly known for its metabolic function, but green tea is also really great for our brain, as it contains L-theanine, an amino acid that reduces anxiety. Additionally, green tea is also capable of reducing the chances of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, along with improving our memory and overall brain health.

8) Whole Grains

Whole grains contain a good amount of fiber and Vitamin E, both of which greatly improve the brain’s overall function.

9) Peanuts

Peanuts contain a lot of key vitamins and minerals, along with vitamin E and resveratrol. Resveratrol is especially known to prevent any sort of neurological disease and is also very good for our overall health.

10) Milk

Milk also contains choline, like eggs do. This means that milk is very good for the overall functioning of our brain. In addition, milk helps prevent insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

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