Intermittent Fasting: Side Effects & Health Benefits - 10feast

Is Intermittent Fasting Good or Bad?

Clock depicting about Intermittent Fasting

A lot of people around the globe are now resorting to intermittent fasting. While its popularity is ever-increasing, there are a lot of people who are still figuring out or learning about intermittent fasting right now. Here is a detailed, uncomplicated explanation of what intermittent fasting is, and a few doubts that you might have about intermittent fasting. Of course, like anything else, intermittent also has its own share of health benefits and side effects, a few of which are stated below.

What is Intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is where a person fasts for 16 hours a day, and eats for only 8 hours, at regular periods of time. During the time that you can eat, it is always important to make sure that you consume foods with low amounts of calories, and that you include foods rich in protein, in your diet. Also, it is important to remember that you can always have water, tea, or coffee when you are fasting.

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Of course, intermittent fasting is opted for by those who are looking to lose weight or are trying to get into good shape and get fit. It is then natural that one might have a few doubts about how intermittent fasting works? 

Below key points that might help clear your doubts:

1) It is always difficult to not eat for 16 hours a day in the beginning, but you will eventually get used to it. Intermittent fasting helps you set boundaries, and helps you regulate and monitor what you put into your body, which is always a wonderful thing. Always make sure to avoid sugars, and prefer to eat fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

2) Intermittent fasting is done every day of the week, where breakfast is skipped, after the meal that you will have taken on the previous night.

3) Make sure that you cut out at least 500 calories from your diet in a day, to be able to lose at least a pound per week.

4) A lot of water intake is always recommended during intermittent fasting, as it greatly helps with the metabolism of your body, and with your digestion as well. It is also important to avoid any beverages containing caffeine, like sodas and beverages. Opt for vegetable, chicken, or bone broth instead.

5) People who are suffering from certain conditions, especially anorexia and bulimia, and any other eating disorder, should avoid intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

6) One thing to certainly remember is that intermittent fasting may not suit everyone. This might turn out to be yet another trial at trying to lose weight, for those who have failed to lose weight by other methods previously. However, if it does work for you, kudos to you!

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A few health benefits that intermittent fasting offers:

1) Reduces cholesterol levels in the body

2) Glucose control is improved

3) Liver fat is greatly reduced

4) Overall blood pressure is greatly improved

5) Your sleep cycle is greatly improved due to the systematic eating routine

6) Helps maintain your overall health perfectly, and is also known to increase your life span

7) Has been known to stop tumor growth, especially in the case of breast cancer.

Side effects of intermittent fasting:

1) Loss of Appetite:

It is always common to slowly lose your appetite over a period, especially when you drastically reduce the amount of food you take in a day.

2) Mood Swings and Irritability:

When the amount of food that you eat is less, it always leads to feeling incomplete, and slightly off, which might lead to mood swings and irritability. This is because all the fasting leads to fatigue and tiredness.

3) Increased Carvings:

It has been proven that those who choose intermittent fasting have increased food cravings, which makes them eat the wrong kinds of food, which defeats the purpose of intermittent fasting in the first place.

4) Slow Metabolism:

As we tend to lose out on some major nutrition while intermittent fasting, the body’s metabolism slows down drastically. Therefore, people with diabetes and previous cases of eating disorders and pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to avoid these

5) Hormonal Imbalance:

A lot of women have experienced increased hair loss and changes in their menstrual cycle while intermittent fasting. Since your body experiences a high amount of calorie deficit and the lack of a well-balanced diet have been known to cause these hormonal changes.

Keeping all these things in mind, it is completely up to a person to choose to go with intermittent fasting or not.