Why is a Healthy Breakfast Important (Bonus: Tips for a Healthy Breakfast) - 10feast

Healthy Breakfast Importance and Tips

Healthy Breakfast Importance & Tips

A lot of importance is given to breakfast by various dieticians and health experts. It has also been said that a good breakfast means that you can even skip your lunch. But have you ever wondered why having breakfast, and a healthy one at that, is given so much importance by everyone?

In this article, we will go through some points that make a healthy breakfast an essential recommendation for our daily diet. We will also look at a few tips that can make it easier for you to have a healthy breakfast on a daily basis.

Importance of a healthy breakfast!

We are all essentially fasting when we are asleep at night. This means that our body is not getting all the nutrient supply that it needs, and enough supply of food for the kind of energy that it requires to function – the first thing in the morning.

If we fail to take a healthy breakfast, we are essentially depriving our body of all the energy and that it needs to do the minimum work in the morning. Our brain is also affected because it uses 20% of our body’s energy, and without the right kind of energy, we would not be able to function as effectively.

Tips for a healthy breakfast

1) A Good Amount of Protein Intake

It is always important that you include a lot of protein in your system, as it is the main source from which most of your health is dependant and the main source from which you draw a lot of energy.

Chicken is high in protein, so anything that is made of chicken, in the right quantity, is more than enough to cover a healthy breakfast for you.

Eg: Chicken Parmesan

2) Healthy Fat

Healthy fats give you a lot of energy and help you feel fuller for a longer period of time. This will help you stay active, and also help you stay fit, in the right way, for a long time.

Healthy fats are mostly found in Avocados, but anything containing Omega-3 fatty acids is also greatly recommended.

Eg: Atlantic Salmon

3) Whole Grains

Whole grains contain a lot of fiber, which makes you feel very full for a long period of time. And since they take a longer time to digest, there are high chances of you, not craving for anything anymore, especially when you do not have to. What is more, whole grains help control your sugar levels as well

4) Relaxed Eating

Sitting and eating is the key to the healthiest breakfast ever. This is because you do not properly realize what or how much you are eating when you are on the go. As a result, you might end up eating a lot more than required, as the day progresses. Always make sure that you sit down and properly plan your breakfast, so that you get all the required energy and nutrients, the right way they are supposed to get into your system.