10 Fruits and Vegetables That Improve Our Brain Health - 10feast

10 Fruits and Vegetables That Improve Our Brain Health

Our brain is essentially more important than our heart because even the heart would not get proper oxygen or blood flow if the brain failed to do its job properly. For this reason, we should always be careful of the kind of food we are putting into our body and try to put in food that helps keep our brain healthy.

There are a lot of foods that help improve our brain function.  Here is a list of a few fruits and vegetables that are good for our brain:

1) Blueberries

Generally, any berries are good for the brain, but blueberries are highly recommended as they anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. They reduce inflammation in our brain and even help fight against neurodegenerative diseases. A few antioxidants from blueberries are said to go into the brain and improve the communication between brain cells.

2) Oranges

Oranges have a good amount of Vitamin C in them. In fact, they are especially known for their Vitamin C content. Vitamin C helps prevent mental decline like Alzheimer’s disease, and also helps prevent brain cell damage.

3) Avocados

Avocados have healthy unsaturated fat in them, which reduces mental decline, and also has other major health benefits. Avocados help prevent high blood pressure and other diseases as well.

4) Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the healthiest foods out there. The Vitamin K in broccoli is known to improve our brain’s capacity to retain memory and also prevent any sort of brain diseases. Broccoli is also rich in antioxidants, which are very good for the brain’s function.

5) Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds have a high amount of antioxidants to them. Additionally, they also contain a good amount of zinc, iron, magnesium, and copper. Zinc is crucial for nerve signalling, and its deficiency can lead to Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s’ disease. Low magnesium levels have led to poor memory and other neurological diseases like migraines, depression, and epilepsy. Low levels of copper have resulted in Alzheimer’s and iron deficiency has led to brain fog and impaired brain function.

6) Kale

Kale contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, and manganese. Kale is very essential for proper cognitive function, and those who have consumed kale regularly have been found to be less susceptible to any sort of brain problems.

 7) Beets

Beets contain a good amount of dietary nitrates, which increase the blood flow to our brain. Beetroot juice or having beetroot regularly has resulted in the decline of mental problems and the mental decline has also come down by a lot in those individuals who consumed beetroot regularly.

8) Beans

Apart from being a good source of proteins and fibre, beans also contain traces of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are very good for the brain as they help improve memory and also help reduce any chances of mental health problems.

9) Concord Grapes

Age-related cognitive problems have been known to drastically decline in those who have included concord grapes to their diet. While these fruits are seasonal, it is important for us to have them whenever we can, as they have anti-inflammatory properties, which is really good for the brain.

10) Sage

Sage is one of the healthiest herbs, and is known to elevate our mood, and sharpen our brain, along with improving our memory. 

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