8 Eating Habits that Severely Affect our Immune System - 10feast

8 Eating Habits that Severely Affect Our Immune System

How our eating habits affect immune system

Our immune system is the most important one in our entire body. It is the most essential factor that needs to function properly on a daily basis, for the immune system is solely responsible for our wellbeing. If the immune system is not functioning properly, we would constantly be suffering from one problem or another. Hence, it is always important to make sure that we safeguard our immune system as much as we can.

We need to make sure that we have foods that boost our immunity, and at the same time, avoid certain habits that several affect our immune system.

In this article, we will be looking at certain eating habits that we have to avoid, to safeguard our immune system:

1) Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Occasionally consuming wine or any other alcoholic beverage might be fun, and wine especially may do some good to your health. However, regular consumption of alcohol does a lot of harm to a person’s health and might result in serious issues such as acute respiratory stress syndromes (ARDS) and a greater likelihood of being susceptible to pneumonia.

2) Lots of Salt Intake

Any food tastes better with the right amount of salt. However, overconsumption of salt might turn out to be highly dangerous. Most commonly, overconsumption of salt is associated with high levels of blood pressure, but recent studies have also found out that overconsumption of salt results in immune deficiencies as well. Hence, it is always better to cut back on salt, rather than put your health at risk.

3) Low Consumption of Fibre

Fibre is very good for the digestive system, and also promotes our immunity and mood as well. It is always important to include fibre rich foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains, pulses (beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas) nuts, and seeds.

4) Not Eating Enough Green Leafy Vegetables

There are a lot of benefits that green leafy vegetables offer, one of the most important being boosting our immunity levels. Apart from boosting our immunity, green leafy vegetables also contain a good amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and folate, all of which are very essential for our health.

5) Over Consumption of Fast Foods

Fast foods do not only contain high amounts of fat, salt, and carbohydrates but also do not contain enough nutrients to allow proper functioning of our body. Our immune system works very hard to fight the negative consequences that arise from eating fast food. This results in the weakening of our immune system in the long run. Hence, it is always best to reduce our fast-food intake.

6) Lack of Sufficient Sleep

Enough sleep is very essential for the proper functioning of our body. The lack of sufficient sleep can lead to a lot of serious problems like risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even the weakening of our immune system. Make sure that you always get enough sleep every day.

7) Dehydration

The consumption of enough water is very important for us, for a lot of reasons. Dehydration results in a lot of problems for our body, which also includes affecting our immune system negatively. Not drinking enough water affects our kidneys, which in turn affects our immune system very badly.

8) Skipping Breakfast

Breakfast is regarded as the most important meal of the day, as this meal, contains a lot of nutrients and proteins and skipping breakfast may lead to overconsumption later on in the day. This leads to a lot of side effects, one of which includes the weakening of our immune system.