7 Foods That Improve Digestion (Tips Included) - 10feast

7 Foods That Improve Digestion

foods to improve digestion

Digestion is a very important function of our body and the slightest problem related to digestion can lead to serious problems in the future – since digestion is directly connected to intestinal health – even though the problems might not be as serious in the beginning.

It is very important to make sure that our digestive system is always a healthy and functioning problem. It is always important to include foods that promote and improve digestion in our bodies.

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Here Are a Few Foods that will help Improve Digestion:

1) Wheat

Wheat has very high contents of fiber, which is very useful for the digestive system. Wheat also helps with constipation, by reducing it, and helps feed the good bacteria in the gut.

2) Spinach

Spinach is once a very rich source of fiber, which is very good for the digestive system, and for our digestion as a whole. Additionally, Spinach also contains vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, and folate, all of which are very good for our health on an overall basis. Spinach and many other leafy vegetables are also very good for our gut health, as they reduce constipation and feed the good bacteria, as mentioned above.

3) Chicken Breasts

The chicken comes under one of the leanest meats in the world. Chicken contains a good number of proteins and if you have irritable bowel syndrome or bowel sensitivity, then Chicken breasts are a must have in your daily diet, as they work miracles on the digestive system.

4) Ginger

Ginger is widely used as a form of natural medicine, in Easter countries, especially for people suffering with problems related to digestion. Ginger stimulates bile, saliva, and gastric enzymes that assist in digestion, and accelerates the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine.

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5) Yogurt

Yogurt contains friendly bacteria called probiotics, which are good for gut health. These probiotics help speed up the process of digestion and help with constipation and diarrhea.

6) Fish Oil

Fish contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients that are good for the body, fish oil, especially when taken along with Omega-3, is highly recommended for reducing inflammation in intestines, keeping the gut healthy, and for a very healthy intestine.

7) Papaya

Papaya has a lot of health benefits, owing to the kind of nutrients it contains. Papaya contains a digestive enzyme called Papain, which helps break down fibers and proteins, thereby helping with the digestive process as a whole. Papaya is also known to ease out symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, and constipation.

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A Few Tips to Improve Digestion

1) Physical Exercise

Any physical exercise can basically, help with digestion, but yoga has especially been known to greatly aid digestion, owing to the several positions that have been known to concentrate on improving digestive health, namely Bharadvajasana or the Bharadvaja’s twist, Padangusthasana or Big Toe pose, Paripurna Navasana or Boat pose, Dhanurasana or Bow pose, Bhujangasana or Cobra pose, Matsyasana or Fish pose.

2) Hydration

Keeping yourself always hydrated is very much beneficial to your overall health. Being hydrated constantly is also very good for your digestion, as water helps break down food, and speed up the process of digestion.

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3) Healthy Diet

A good and healthy diet is essential not only for your digestive system but for your overall health as well. It is always important to maintain a balanced diet, that offers you all the proteins and nutrients that your body needs, to function well for a long time.

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